Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

Open into Change

Healing Lives of People and Pets

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The Emotion Code®

The Emotion Code® is a simple yet powerful energy healing technique developed by chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson that allows a practitioner to facilitate the release of negative trapped emotions from a client's body and energy field.

Over our lifetimes, we all have accumulated multiple trapped emotions that can contribute to pain, illness, discomfort and disease. These trapped emotions often underlie unhealthy patterns of behavior, addictions and distorted beliefs. They can trigger and amplify feelings of anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity, anger and grief.

Trapped emotions are often "hidden" below the level of the conscious mind and are accessed by tapping into the subconscious. Using muscle testing, along with the aid of a chart, a practitioner identifies specific trapped emotions, determines at what age the emotion became trapped and proceeds to help release them.

The Body Code™

The Body Code™ was also developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson and is a comprehensive, highly advanced energy balancing system. This healing system allows a practitioner to uncover and release the root causes that contribute to an individual's physical and emotional pain, discomfort and distress.

Because The Emotion Code® is embedded within The Body Code™ and has been expanded, I now only use The Body Code™ when I work with clients.. It’s one of the most powerful tools in my tool box. Although working with the emotional body is my specialty, The Body Code™ allows me to work with physical imbalances as well.

Utilizing muscle testing and release techniques, a practitioner is able to identify the underlying causes for physical imbalances and help to bring these into balance. These underlying causes might include the presence of trapped emotions, imbalances and misalignments in the circuits and systems of the body, toxins, pathogens or lifestyle and nutrition choices.

The Belief Code®

The Belief Code® is the exciting, newest addition to the Emotion/Body Code Energy Healing System. It allows a practitioner to uncover and release the underlying beliefs associated with any issue, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Our beliefs comprise the foundation and the bedrock upon which we have built our lives and because our beliefs are often limiting and disempowering, they influence and color our lives in ways that are usually less than optimal. To bring awareness and to release the limiting beliefs which negatively impact our lives, can be a potent and powerful game changer.

The Belief Code® may be used as a stand alone session, or like The Emotion Code® it is embedded into The Body Code™ and is often part of a Body Code™ session. I am very excited to be able to add this additional, amazing resource and tool to the work I do.

My Services

All my sessions are conducted remotely, via phone or Skype. During a session I become a conduit or proxy, who can muscle test for you. This is a highly effective technique for adults, children and pets. When you schedule your complimentary 30 minute discovery call, I would be delighted to describe how this technique is modified for children and pets.

Contact me to schedule a session or to schedule a complimentary 30 minute discovery call. For payment, please choose an option below.

I am now offering 20 minute Mini Sessions to provide between session support.

Single session / People - $ 135
Three sessions / People - $ 390
Five sessions / People - $ 625
Single session / Pets  $ 135
Three sessions / Pets - $ 390

Pay for a session:

© 2022 Kezia Renée Lechner Contact me